The education system today focuses too much on grades and understanding written material than character development. In some schools, no attention is given to character development at all. Grades may help take you forward in life, they may help you get a good education a good job but they do not help in shaping your character.
Grades do not define how good or bad one is, they only serve to tell us how good an individual is at studying, with no emphasis on character development individuals are drifting from the moral values we seek to instil in them and some people may have a bad character but good grades.
With good character one can influence other people to also do good, people like to associate with good-natured people and it leaves a positive impression of the individual. One must never forget that one is human and should not cause harm to others. As seen from the photo above, even learned people can take part in cruel and destructive actions, and precursors for negative behaviour are present from a very young age .
Hence the education system should focus on making kids more human and better individuals because at the end of the day, people can forget your grades quite easily but a good impression lasts for a very long time and serves to enrich society with positivity. Thank you and have a nice day :)
The teachers need to teach their students some basic human manners. rote learning text books, and being able to solve complex mathematic questions is not enough to "educate" students. Their upbringing matter a lot.
A very important issue, indeed. It is important that everyone understands that only reading, writing and attending a few classes to graduate is not enough, if the students remain alien to the concept of humanity.
Yes! Grateful for most HSS instructors in this regard and their willingness to have students over outside of class hours and discuss things outside of just course content with them. It's honestly been a HUGE help during my time here and (I feel) is so important in establishing a two-way relationship with your students.
You are right! but it is especially nice to see how many LUMS instructors, despite being forced to operate according to the bounds set by the system, still condemn central examination or rigorous testing that only encourages rote learning. They too realize the need to produce conscious minded students and not robots who understand everything from an examination point of view. That, to me, is definitely a step in the right direction.
Thank you for writing this :). This is so much needed. Most of the people also become selfish after getting grades and a good position in life but they do not realize that education is meant to be good to others. And being a good human is something which is going to matter.